with Olea Health

Join Olea health for some good, authentic healing.


Fall Sauna Detox Sessions

We are thrilled to be back this season with our Sauna Sessions partnered with Wasaga Beach Yoga!

The sessions will run Sunday, October 23rd at 9:30 am & 1:00 pm

Groups to be no more than 6 people


What You’ll Get:

-Sauna therapy
-Breathe work
-Guided cold plunge -
-Yoga stretches
- Nutritious refreshments

What to Bring:

-Bathing suit or something to wear in the sauna
-Robe if desired
-Flip flops
-Yoga matt


Join a group or gather a bubble of friends/ family for an experience of authentic healing. Sauna sessions are followed by cold exposure and breath work on a yoga mat to reconnect with your mind, body and soul.
Dr. Monika from Olea Health Naturopathic Clinic will go through the benefits of sauna therapy and Leslie from Wasaga Beach Yoga will guide the group on the mat and maybe get you brave enough to plunge into Georgian bay or a roll in the snow if the season allows!


Bathing oneself in heat for the purposes of purification, cleansing and healing is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years observed in many cultures. Now pair that with a cooling exposure outdoors holding a Yoga pose and working through your breath to set your body back into a parasympathetic state. 

The sauna exposure increases the body's core temperature, which induces a thermoregulatory response involving neuroendocrine, cardiovascular and cytoprotective mechanisms that work to restore homeostasis. 

The molecular mechanisms involved in heat shock are very exciting including heat shock proteins, transcriptional regulators such as NRF2,  and pro and anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-6 and Il-10.

For more information visit

Health Benefits of sauna: 

•Improve Cardiovascular health
•Decrease Cardiovascular disease 
•Improved blood flow
•Improved peripheral artery disease
•Improved blood lipid panel
•Lowering hypertension
•Increased longevity and antiaging
•Lowering inflammation
•Improved Cognitive health
•Improved Mental health
•Improved  hormonal and metabolic function
•Improved physical fitness and athletic performance
•Improved muscle mass maintenance
•Pregnant women

Email to book your sauna experience and learn how to customize your experience based on season.